Extensive medical studies have linked cryotherapy with:
Increasing collagen production and increasing metabolic rate
Aiding in post-surgery rehabilitation and athlete recovery
Elevating mood with release of endorphins and dopamine
Strengthening immune system and getting rid of colds and flu
Alleviating depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, stress and get rid of migraines
Speeding up post-workout recovery and reducing chronic pain
Improving the sleep-wake cycle and inducing deeper sleep
Stimulating the body's regenerative power through reinforcing its cellular metabolism
Supporting the treatment of arthritis and multiple sclerosis, preventing osteoporosis
Reducing inflammation and reducing swelling, providing pain relief from joint disorders, rheumatoid and fibromyalgia
Cryotherapy Research:
Hormonal and hemodynamic changes caused by whole body cooling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders.
Whole-body cryotherapy in rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid diseases–pilot study.
Effects of 15 consecutive cryotherapy sessions on the clinical output of fibromyalgic patients.
Mental state and quality of life after 10 session whole-body cryotherapy.
Thermal and hemodynamic response to whole-body cryostimulation in healthy subjects.
Monitoring of whole body cryotherapy effects by thermal imaging: preliminary report.
Evaluation of effectiveness of whole-body cryotherapy in patients with tinnitus.
Whole-body cryotherapy in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease.
Perception of remote warm and cold point stimulation of different areas in human skin.
Serial whole-body cryotherapy in the criostream for inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
Cryostimulation as an antioxidative factor in sclerosis multiplex.
Impact of different treatment of whole-body cryotherapy on circulatory parameters.
Whole-body cryostimulation as an effective method of reducing low-grade inflammation in obese men.
Cooling and performance recovery of trained athletes: a meta-analytical review.
Whole-body cooling of hyperthermic runners: comparison of two field therapies.
Influence of the ten sessions of the whole body cryostimulation on aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
Effect of whole body cryotherapy on the levels of some hormones in professional soccer players.
The effect of whole-body cryostimulation on lysosomal enzyme activity in kayakers during training.
“Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on NTproBNP,hsCRP and troponin I in athletes.
Effects of whole-body cryotherapy (-110 °C) on proprioception and indices of muscle damage.
Thermography study of skin response due to whole-body cryotherapy.
Effects of whole-body cryotherapy in the management of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.
Bone remodelling biomarkers after whole body cryotherapy (WBC) in elite rugby players.
“Muscle,skin and core temperature after -110°c cold air and 8°c water treatment.”
Hematological profile and martial status in rugby players during whole bodycryostimulation.
Effect of recovery mode on postexercise vagal reactivation in elite synchronized swimmers.
Effects of whole-body cryotherapy on recovery after hamstring damaging exercise: A crossover study.
Whole-body cryostimulation and oxidative stress in rowers: the preliminary results.
Effects of Whole Body Cryotherapy and Cold Water Immersion on Knee Skin Temperature.